Friday, March 28, 2008

Design Exploration

For my first design exploration I choose the Van Cleef & Arples web site This site was designed by the Company Avenue a Razorfish.

The website is compiled of regular scripting with javascript and flash components. The flash part mostly happens in the content table. Some of the navigation is not that easy since it has hidden buttons but it has some cool rollover effects with loading of other galleries inside galleries.

Having more the contemporary taste, I love the cleanness of the design together with outstanding photography that is creating a very beautiful visual experience. The color combination is very well thought through. The more exciting pages are

The page has a video movie clip of how it's designed, made and fabricated:

This website has the right balance between being artistic and still be informative. Although I love the website I think it would drive me crazy to look for something particular. Great design, great visual presentation and photography.

The second design exploration is going to be a site created by juxtinteractive.

The site was built for Direct TV and combines Flash with a real person in a video about a new feature- subscription that is called Titanium. The setup is made to look like a studio in some skyscraper. Navigation is very clear and easy to find. The website mostly informs potential customers of the products and subscription details.

Through scroll buttons you are able to find all the different links. The cool thing about this page is the videos in the detail pages that are places at the sidewall of the studio all in perspective.
Again, love the simplicity of the design.


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