Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Media Exploration - Technology

For my post, I went and skimmed the net for technology that may impact the future of data interaction and interpretation, and I located this. The Emotiv"Mind-Reading" headset is set to come out late 2009. The headset is not actually there to "read" minds; it's job is to interpret the electric signals transmitted
by your brain. At the moment, Emotiv has the headset geared toward gamers, using it as a faux-controller. While the technology will undoubtedly need some fine tuning, the application behinds such technology are immense and are going to undoubtedly make the designers very, very rich in the future.
The reason this technology is so important is that usually, devices such as these generally sit in the range of thousands of dollars. The technology will be continually evolving as well, since Emotiv is preparing to link up with IBM to expand the possibilities of the helmet with gaming. Who knows-maybe you'll be driving your car with your mind one day?
Another technological marvel that will be of a great deal of help to anyone who uses a laptop and knows the terrible, terrible cost of running high powered programs off batteries. Even newer laptops can only run more powerful and demanding programs for a scant two hours, at most. However, a research team as Stanford University, is designing batteries that may hold up to ten times the charge of your current battery. The secret? Silicon.

These are just a couple of technological assets that I found useful, and will probably be picking them up when they become available for commercial use. Both assets still have a lot of tuning to be made, but the possible future applications are as deep as they are promising.


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