Tuesday, March 25, 2008

John Olgeirsson -=Design Exploration=-

You may or may not remember this one, but back when I was in about 8th grade www.homestarrunner.com (created by Mike and Matt Chapman) provided me with my weekly fix of flash-animated funny. Now that was some 4-5 years ago, so as far as flash goes, it's not exactly state-of-the-art, but I chose it because it exhibits most of the kinds of things we've learned thus far in terms of interface button design and so forth. The opening interface is colorful, and every button triggers some animation to play in the background. All the animations and on-rollovers come with audio as well, further adding to the experience.

Beyond the interface, this site is jam-packed with animated shorts (including an animated viewer e-mail response that has weekly installments), flash games, downloads, character bios, merch, and so forth. All the content follows the exploits of an amorphous creature in a baseball cap named Home Star, and his associates. For those looking for a quick laugh via some surreal humor spiked with 80's and 90's pop culture references, I would recommend stopping in, although the site is so full of content, that a 'quick viewing' can easily turn into an hours-long gigglefest!


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