Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ms.Dewey.com - A Step In The Positive Direction?

Ms.Dewey.com is a flash based search engine that I came across awhile ago and found amusing to say the least. Though its a legitimate functioning search engine, I'm still trying to figure out if the creators of the site were seriously going for the next big thing in site searching or just making a facetious joke.

Despite the annoying chick and her cheesy lines, I'd have to say it is a pretty cool idea. The layout is fairly simplistic and straight forward and the visuals design ain't to bad on the eyes. The dark colors can make me feel slightly claustrophobic though and being trapped in a space with Ms. Dewey isn't something I personally enjoy. Especially since she incessantly keeps speaking to you as long as the window stays open. Luckily! There's a mute feature in the bottom right corner of the screen!

I'd say other than Ms. Dewey herself, the biggest downfall of the site is loading time and the fact you have to wait for her to finish saying something asinine before the results pop up. Not cool dude.

On the good side, Ms.Dewey.com does make web browsing a "special" type of experience. In the future, who knows? With faster loading time and a few more kinks worked out, this kind of web searching might catch on. Ms. Dewey definitely needs to find another job though. Just my opinion.


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