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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Studio Exploration: Elemental Studios

Elemental Studios ( is a multimedia production company based in Cape Town, South Africa. Their work is focused on high impact imagery and animation, as well as 2D and 3D, brand creation, and identity development mostly in Flash animation, Flash web design, content managed websites, and various styles of presentation and Flash games. Their signature motto is to “always adding that little extra which takes ordinary to extraordinary.”

The group started working in the industry in 1995 and through the years gained valuable experience, which prompted them to start Elemental Studios in 2001. Being based in South Africa, they are able to offer economical prices for foreign clients and work with a lot of US and UK companies. They are dedicated to give great client satisfaction as well as producing results on time and in budget. The staff consists of designers, directors, writers, animators, illustrators and both front-end and back-end internet specialists. Their creative clientele includes the film industry, modeling agencies, production companies, photographers.


Consumer Insight Agency: A groundbreaking research agency that goes beyond the conventional approach. Note: A very interesting Flash interactive screen; as you click on each tab on the left hand side of the screen, you get drawn into the center of the world. Then once you click the last button, go back and click the very first one. Try it, you’ll see what I mean.

Translate SA: A colorful ecommerce site that creates multi-lingual magnetic products.

Adam and Matt: Creative team of Art Director, Adam Livesey and Copy Writer, Matthew Brink. Note: check out the sounds—click on the magenta “Radio” tab.

Way Ahead: A well established stills production company in Cape Town. Note: I love this bubbly designed site. There’s a flowered button “the way ahead here” that helps you navigate throughout the site.

Liquid 10:
Q10 is a revolutionary anti-aging product currently being manufactured in Germany.


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