Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The power of Media

In the last couple of months, we have seen what could be called the definitive level of media that is now in demand by the public. What could not have been imagined has now been brought to a scale of such amazing depth that pure understanding seems impossible. Gentlemen and ladies, I would like to bring your attention to the CGI giant that flew across the theater screens, Speed Racer.
I don't really know what to call this, so I guess I'm going to call this an exploration, considering that I'm about to explore how the amazing amounts of CGI that was put into these movies is done. Let's go with the flashy and over-stylized re-make, Speed Racer. First up, and what we notice right away, is the the entire movie is based in CGI. Not just a scene or two, but the entire movie, from start to finish, is built entirely out of nonexistence. What's also noticeable is the fact that every surface in the movie, no matter how fictional, responds to force or light or some kind of external factor. I've heard recently that over 300 cars were analyzed in order to create this kind off stunning CGI. The fact that media can be used to this level is astounding; the environments that are made to literally showcase the CGI are nothing short of astounding, not to mention how the designers seamlessely integrated the environmental effects on the vehicles and surrounding objects. I'm sorry if this sounds like an ad, but the effects produced by modern technology and programming are nothing short of astounding.
So, short story; if you're interested in pursuing a media career in the future, perhaps one in video, CGI, or something related to that category, you have to go observe this; it definitely shows off the power of modern media.
Once again, I'm really sorry if this sounds like a recommendation for you to go see the movie.

But it is.


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