Monday, May 12, 2008

Studio/Artist exploration

7 Designers

7 Designers looked like the typical Small Business information web site.  The layout was very balanced, animated and cartoon like. I showed off the site to friends explaining the movie clip concept.  Not realizing that the site was interactive, I started to see motion hints. The home page just gathered information about the client.  In the Showcase and began to see the interactivity. I was able to grab the vials that a figure was holding and move them to another location. This created a to featured sites the team has worked on. I then explored the about us page. This page explained how they were a creative development division of ecommerce partners. When you clicked on the diver he eventually was eaten by a whale. I then clicked ont he team button and discovered that the team has a role in all the animation. In fact the team have been animated into cartoon like characters. When i clicked on the characters they displayed in a offset box (some in more interesting ways then others). As i made my way to services the site begain to make me wounder what was next...... Services talked about Marketing, Creative, Strategy, and Technology. 

The e-commerce side of the site was one of the most interactive "movie clip" files.... I started filling a box and from there we packed it up and shipped it out... I enjoyed this site, it was fun and intresting. at first glance you could use it for information on the company and still like it because of the layout. One you discover the interactivity then it becomes even cooler..
Some of the Sites they have Created:


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