Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Design Exploration

The first site I chose for my design exploration is for 2929 Productions. I like the way that the interface unfolds and changes, as you jump around the site. I really like the way that the movie page loads and interacts. I think that this site is one of the cleanest sites that I have seen and it is also very easy to navigate. They have a very impressive portfolio that includes “We Own The Night”, which I think is a great movie =0).

The second site that I chose is for Fifty Eight 3D. I really like the work that they do. The way that the Disney Channel Film Package is done is completely awesome. “Night of the Sultans” is awesome as well. As a mater of fact, everything this company does is awesome. I was blown away with how the buttons interact on rollover, check them out, you’ll see what I mean. I hope that you take some time to explore this site especially, it just shows you that the possibilities are limit less.


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