Monday, May 12, 2008

Design Exploration

Famous Stars and Straps

Caution Links may contain clips with Vulgar language.
I picked this modern apparel web site for my Design Exploration. Travis Barker (Meet the Barkers, Blink 182) came up with this unique clothing company called Famous. He describes the clothing as a lifestyle brand (connects with every lifestyle).  As a drummer he expressed himself through music and as a clothing designer he brings us to his world though his website and clothing. When i entered the site i was impressed by the scrolling images that moved faster with the mouse moves. Then i noticed they were interactive and they seem to have a flip over affect on release. 

The e-commerce side of the site was very impressive with rich colored graphics.  Again there were mouse effects that really caught my attention. The clothing almost appeared to look 3D at times and had a unique presentation.  The site also had myspace links to sponcerd professionals.  I noticed that this website showcased Apparel, Music, Talent and Wonderful web building skills. The Famous Designs seem to work because i see them everywhere!


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