Thursday, December 06, 2007

This little burrito manufacture has created a very tasteful flash site. I never gave this fast food joint much thought, but after visiting their web site. I wanted to make weekly visits. So it scores high on an effective marketing plan.
The sites design is crisp, clean and well balanced and hip, just like their food. I was as inspired to check out every link to see what creative flash surprise was hidden behind it. Very entertaining. The site has a great sense of humor, interesting photos, strange and humorous sound bites on each page, a link that featured artist, Bruce Gueswel who design the art in the restaurants, a radio station, which plays the eclectic world music that is piped into their restaurants, a live cam on the food preparation, video contests that utilizes youTube, allowing you to watch the finalist from the commercial contest, free downloads, an apparel store, a pen tapping page, an employee pet dog page, and more.
You learn so much about the company, their architecture, the art, the tribal music, and the food. They are a green restaurant using organically grown vegetables and meat. Fast food with integrity.

The location, design,

the Art:,
Bruce Gueswel artist for Chipotle restaurants

and the music,, of the restaurant.

The use of human video in flash site gives you a connection to the restaurant, you feel like you know so much about them. So you are happy to spend your money there. A very entertaining clean site that I find my self going back to and wanting to share with friends. Their Fash website gave me a newfound respect for a restaurant I may have never visited.
(although architecture of the Chipotle in Vista looked nothing like the restaurants shown on the web site, the burrito was still fresh and delicious.)
bryn best
site design blog


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