Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Design Exploration

Neostream creates compelling interactive media designs for many companies using flash. Their clients include Samsung, LG, Fujitsu, Unchs, Volvo, OXO art, New Pencil, James & Taylor, Cilek, KOCCA, Dead Game, Botany Bay Council and KITA. I chose Neostream because when you enter the site they immediately engage your curiosity with a flash developed cartoon character. The character then tosses flames around his head each flame then directs you to a different page. The first flame takes you to the client’s page. The second flame redirects you to the showroom page this page images you by allowing you to pick where you want to go you then need to click on the word of where you would like to go then drag it over to the character where he then smashes the word to pieces and you are redirected to where you would like to go. The other flames take you to the company skills, news, future products and more. I like how they have made a very simple looking but extremely complicated character that interacts with your mouse. The site is very simple and does not take away from the main focus of the site, which is the animated character. The animated character is very appealing and just asks you to see what it can do. The character engages you in the site and its activities.

This site is not only clean looking but it is also very easy to navigate. This site is consistent but also very different on every page. Every page is simple and has as little distractions as possible. On every page there is the cartoon flash character along wit some other flash design that is not used on any other page. For example on the clients list the page opens up with a tree, the clients are spread all around the tree. When you click on a client leaves fall off of the tree.

I believe that the artist idea was to create a simple way for people to explorer what Neostream can do for its customers. The artist wanted to make the site interactive and fun, to cause you to want to explorer every page. For every page to be as different as the next. The artist accomplished this idea very well. The site is very simple with a plain white background; the only color, visual, or animation is the main display along with the animated character.


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