Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Flashy Flash

Here is flash being put to work in the online retail market. I really enjoyed navigating through this site and it has sparked many ideas for myself and now hopefully you to use in future productions. They have really nice visuals with awesome transitions. They have a lot of action going on with-in the site, yet still maintain a uniform flow. I like the way they incorporate video and pictures into the site. I hope we can learn to do some of the transitions they use to navigate through out the site. So over all i think its a great site. I do feel they could improve. I would like to hear alittle more audio through out the site, i think it would really bring it to life. The main problem is this site is very hard to find. I was unable to find the site through google searches. I had to find it through links. Here is the site! www.windwakewater.com


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