Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Free sound loops and tutorials to help with projects

I thought it would be nice to have a few links listed that could help us all write the flash documents we need for this class. Everything I found is absolutely free provided it is not used commercially. There are plenty of sites with sound loops, but most of them ask you to register, or want some payment. But these are a few sites I found that provided free sound loops. The first one, Squidoo Music,actually had a great list of links to other sites with free sound loops. It has a link to Flashkit, which I had found earlier in my search. The sound loops on Flashkit can be previewed – not all sites have that option.

I really liked the music at Efiddler. It was all violin music -very nice. For some pretty offbeat music try Extreme Synth Weirdness Project. For a little eastern music try the samplings at Koan Flashzen.

Sound effects – I only found a couple of sites for free sound effects. A1 Free Sound effects has a number of good ones. Fonogeno is another good site to go to for sound effects.

Along the way I found that there are lots of great free sites with flash tutorials. I liked this site called KnowFlash. It had a nice whirling propeller video tutorial that showed how the actionscript worked. Entheos also had some free flash tutorials. As a site it was clear and easy to navigate.

Maybe one of these sites can help someone with a future assignment.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Victor Sturm said...

Thanks, Polly, as long as I've known you, you've always offered the most interesting weblinks.
I'll make good use of them for our projects.


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