Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Alright this is my first blog and I'm new to the whole blog thing.
I picked this website because I love paintball and I wanted to do something about it.
So the website I decided to explore is Teamironmen.com.
Teamironmen.com is a website for the professional paintball team Ironmen.
This is a website where people can find info about the team, team members and find where they are going to be playing next
One thing about this website is that it is made entirely with flash and it is very easy to navigate through.
The website is somewhat basic and the use of colors is easy on the eyes and go well when the theme.
When you click on the team roster, an easy to use navigation list of the team loads.
It appears it uses a preloader when going from team member to team member.
It is also very easy to get back to the home page from every part of the site, which alot of flash site don't have.
Other than that the site is pretty basic but I think it is well made with easy navigation.


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