Thursday, May 25, 2006

Robotics and New Media

At this juncture, it seems to me that the terms multimedia, New Media, and Rich Media all delve into the many new
possibilities of the digital realm and new digital devices and their hybrids.
A subject that appeals to me still is robotics. You can buy robotic vaccum cleaners and robotic lawnmowers
and personal home robots off the web. In 1999 you could buy one for $500US; now at hte same site they cost $260.
They can be found at
Another interesting site is LEGO toy company's site for home robot building geared for children of all ages.
The product is called "Mindstorms" and found at none other than
Now it is possible to call your robot at home and have it act as a nannycam, doorman, secretary, petfeeder,
or have it fetch for you, cook and serve dinner, or play all types of passive and interactive media. The robotic
massage is probably not far off. Will we be able ask our robots to run the vaccuum indoors and out, and the lawnmower?


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