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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Artist Exploration: Ill Will Press/Jonathan Ian Mathers

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Jonathan Ian Mathers is the artist and founder of Ill Will Press, and produces an internet Flash cartoon titled Neurotically Yours, starring the foul-mouthed little squirrel Foamy and his goth owner Germaine.

Click Picture to view Cartoon (Flash plugin needed)

Foamy's exploits range from rants dieting schemes to computer tech support (hot-linked image above), and can leave you bursting into side-splitting laughter in no time at all. While the cartoons are very funny, they tend to also get very wordy as well (Explicit Content warning) and some of the subject matter is not suitable for everyone. Content aside, if you want a good laugh and you don't mind profanity, you need look no further than a Foamy cartoon.

Mr. Mathers uses Flash to effectively deliver his cartoons to his audience/fans of his work. Without Flash, it would be more difficult to deliver the media, likely forcing him to use something like Quicktime to deliver it, which could take quite awhile to load by comparison.

On loading one of the Flash cartoons, you'll notice a Loading Progress bar, a Play button, in more recent instances a content "Warning" page with a "Click Here To Play" button, and after the cartoon is finished there is a button to Play Again and links to associated websites. If Mr. Mathers is following any theme, I would suggest it is blunt humor. Of course, not everyone will find the cartoons Mr. Mathers produces to be funny, however most people may be able to relate to them in some way, in the least. After all, who has not had a bad experience with computer tech support?

Click Picture to go to The Vault

All told, Mr. Mathers has produced over 100 Neurotically Yours Flash cartoons starring Foamy. In addition to the new Flash cartoons posted to the main page, there is also the Neurotically Yours Vault, which contains a selection of Neurotically Yours Flash cartoons. Among them are Tech-Support, Coffee House Propaganda, and Amytiville Toaster.


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