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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Artist Exploration

Animator vs. Animation

Just recently while searching for new and talented artists, you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon just that. In 2006 a young Alan Becker (17 years old at the time) invested 3 long months creating a hit video Animator vs. Animation based on a stick figure who rebels against his animator. In Alan Becker’s own words, “An animator faces his own animation in deadly combat. The battlefield? The Flash interface itself. A stick figure is created by an animator with the intent to torture. The stick figure drawn by the animator will be using everything he can find - the brush tool, the eraser tool - to get back at his tormentor. It's resourcefulness versus power. Who will win? You can find out yourself.”

In 2007 this ingenious little dude created an Animator vs. Animation II. Taking him 5 long months this time, it ranked in the top 25 of the Ohio Governor's Show. This time, “The animator, looking for a challenge, decides to make the stick figure harder to beat. Little does he know exactly how much power he is giving to the little guy. Long live The Chosen One!”

After creating two hit videos based on a stick figure who rebels against his animator, Alan Becker took the next logical step -- he collaborated with game developer Charles Yeh to turn his concept into an interactive experience.

I’m excited to see what Alan Becker has in store for his rapidly increasing fan base in the future. While Alan Becker obviously excels in animation, his other hobbies involve drawing, sculpting, music, painting, photography and breakdancing. Alan was able to create these ever popular Flash videos after teaching himself this program, what do we have to look forward to next? I hope you enjoy Alan's work as much as I have.


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