Thursday, October 04, 2007

Design Exploration: H8US

This site is called and it is based on a clothing line created by 3 guys living in San Francisco. It all started with two guys named SBG and Cashon D. They grew up in poor neighborhoods and always loved art and music. Then Cashon D met Deadbeat and realized what a good artist he was. He did really good graffiti and was musically talented. So Cashon introduced Deadbeat to SBG and SBG suggested that Deadbeat put his art onto shirts so from there the 3 guys created the clothing line H8US.I was introduced to this site by one of my co-workers and was immediately interested in it. The site features products, their background, along with new, etc. The first thing I really like about their use of flash is how all their buttons are all placed in a column and when you roll over the button you want it increases in size making it more noticeable. The colors are used very nicely with the black and red theme. They have their artwork located in the background so that the site portrays what their about. The graphics for their web address is simple but interesting. Another cool feature is that when you click on a certain button the graphic behind it represents the word. For example, when you click on the production button a piano is shown in the background. As you click on a button black stars shoot across the screen and jump around in sync with the background music.The one part they succeeded in their flash presentation was in their music and sound affects. When you click on a button it makes a bold noise and then the music starts up. All the sounds relate to the image you are seeing which really brings the presentation together.Overall the site is very clean and successfully portrays the kind of clothing they sell and what kind of music they play. I loved the use of color and sounds along with the clever, simple set up H8US had.


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