Thursday, October 04, 2007

Design Studio Exploration: World Domination Design Group

By Justin Henk

World Domination Design Group is a premier interactive advertising firm with expertise in interactive design, interactive video, technology, and game development. Flash is the primary tool they use however they do
leverage other technologies. They offer creative solutions that will challenge the way the internet has been used in the past, and shape the way content will be delivered in the future. Some of their designs have been trendsetters for online interactive advertising.

WDDG, established in1998, has won many prestigious advertising awards. The company is small enough that they have a very close relationship with their clients, including a lot of face-to-face time for brainstorming and development. The developers look for ways to have fun with the projects, and are best known for their creative design skills. The company looks to intrigue and enthrall their audiences with unique cutting edge content. With many prestigious clients such as American Express, Visa, HP,
Toyota, and Burger King to name a few, the advertising firm has proven, they are a top-notch firm.

One of their clients websites I was attracted to was The site employs interactive video, music animation, and games using the flash platform. The vaudeville theme provides in interesting backdrop packed full wacky characters, with whom you can play games, watch singing performances, watch puppet shows, send people singing love telegrams, or draw beards on the bearded man. The site is very well designed and easy to navigate and interact with. The integration of video, art, and animation really make this site come to life.


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