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MAT 150 - Flash 1: Animation and Interactivity



Index of Video Tutorials

Index of Student Work

Basic Actionscripting Samples (AS2/AS3/HTML5)

Scripting Navigation in Flash (AS2/AS3/HTML5)

Animation Principles Documentation (PDF Version)

Web and Media Design Principles and Tips

History and Inspiration for Step Animation (interactive toys)

LINKS AND RESOURCES (discounted software through the Foundation for California Community Colleges - This is best pricing on the software

Adobe - Animate Help and Support

Adobe - Animate Help Center By Topic

Animation Learning Guide from Adobe

Graphic Effects Learning Guide from Adobe

Adobe Flash Developer Center

Adobe TV (video tutorials from Adobe)

Kirupa (active Flash community, forums, tutorials)


Flash Animation: The Animator's Tools (free e-book chapter on Flash drawing tools from animator Adam Phillips) (video tutorials on Actionscripting from Lee Brimelow)

The Flash Blog (Lee Brimelow's Blog)

Flash and Math(Actionscript tutorials)

Active Tuts + (Flash Tutorials + More)

Tuts + (Tutorials)

Active Den (Flash marketplace)

Flash Magazine

Pixel 2 Life

Flash Perfection

Flash Explained

Layers Magazine

Cartoon Smart

Adobe MAX Conferences

FITC Events and Conferences

Flash Forward Conferences

Flash on the Beach Conferences

Flash On Tap Conferences

FlashBelt Conferences

Flashkit Sound Effects


Audacity (free, cross-platform sound editor)

Blue Vertigo (resources)

iStock Photo (stock photos, illustration, video, Flash)

Smashing Magazine (onine web design magazine)

Six Revisions (web development and design information)

A List Apart (articles “for people who make websites”)

Additional Links to Resources (my older list of web and interactive design resources, some of which may now be outdated)


The FWA - Favourite Website Awards (lots of cool, inspirational interactive media sites)

Animated Shorts by Adam Phillips (animation)

They Rule by Josh On (data visualization, activism)

Becoming Human (interactive documentary)

A is for Apple (net art, interactive multimedia, non-linear narrative)

MonoFace (viral marketing, interactive design)

The (experimental interface, sound, video)

Only Because We Can (interactive video, branding experience)

Born Magazine (inspirational poetry and projects that marry design, interactive media, and the literary arts)

Media Storm (journalism, documentary forms, multimedia storytelling)

Big Spaceship (design agency known for their cutting-edge Flash work)

Second Story Studios (design studio that creates interactive media experiences)

Hello Sour Sally (innovative, game-like Flash website design)

New Grounds (Flash portal to games, animations)

Brad Miller Studio (online portfolio site)

Jackson (live drawing/graphics in Flash)

Okay Dave (online portfolio)

The Story of Stuff (animation, video, documentary, activism)

Chemical Pictures - David Clark (media artist)

99 Rooms (interweaves wall painting, photography, animation and sound)

Jonathan Harris (computer science, anthropology, visual art, and storytelling)

Red Interactive Agency (design studio)

Nicolas Clauss (interactive media artist)

BBC Cbeebies Big and Small (animation, storytelling, games, papervision 3d)

Presstube - James Patterson (artist)

Adobe Max (Creativity Conference)

Communication Arts (interactive annual winners) (multimedia artist/musician Fredo Viola)

Hobnox Audio Tool (Flash RIA to create audio)

First Born Multimedia (digital studio/agency)

Grey World (interactive public art/installation)

Mudbubble (designer/animator Chris Georgenes)

Joshua Davis (artist and Flash guru)

Adobe Design Center (showcase)

Domani Studios (digital agency/studio)

2Advanced Studios (digital agency/studio)

Juxt Interactive (digital agency/studio)

Odopod (digital agency/studio)

Blitz (digital agency/studio)

CDX (Interactive video/game) from Preloaded

Meanwhile by David Clark (interative/non-linear film)

50 Nice Flash Websites Here and Here


Yo Gabba Gabba


MOMA: Design and the Elastic Mind

Cheeseburger Society

Wonder Wall