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MAT 150 - Flash 1: Animation and Interactivity



How to Login to the MAT Server and Upload Your Work

FTP INformation

  • Access/Connect Using: SFTP
  • FTP Host/Address:
  • Host Directory*: web:/MAT150/studentwork/
  • Login: Your Surf ID
  • Password: Your Surf Password
  • Connect Using SFTP/Use Secure FTP (sFTP): Yes/Checked






STEP 1 - SAVE USING NAMING CONVENTIONS: After you complete a project or exercise, use FILE > SAVE AS to name your Animate/Flash .fla file according to the naming conventions specified by the project or exercise. Generally, these naming conventions are all in lowercase, contain no spaces, and consist of your last name, followed by a hyphen, followed by an e1 or p2 (based on the exercise or project number), followed by the file type extension. For example, if I was working on Exercise 3, I would name it "cleveland-e3.fla" (do not include the quotes).

STEP 2 - PUBLISH YOUR MOVIE: Once you have named your Animate/Flash file, the next step is to publish your movie. Go to FILE > PUBLISH SETTINGS and check the Flash (.swf) and HTML (.html) formats. Make sure the file names at the right inherit the appropriate naming conventions. To customize how Flash will publish, you can click on the tabs for Flash and HTML (but the default settings should suffice until you learn more about publishing). Lastly, click on the PUBLISH button at the bottom of the dialog box or choose FILE > PUBLISH. This should publish a .swf file and a .html file to the same directory as where you saved your .fla file.

You can also view the Publishing Your Flash Movie video tutorial.

STEP 3 - UPLOAD YOUR FILES VIA SFTP TO THE MAT SERVER: You will turn in your work by uploading it to the MAT web server using Secure File Transfer Protocol(sFTP). There are folders on the server for each of the exercises and projects. Make sure you place your files in the correct folder and use the appropriate naming conventions. You are required to turn in/upload the source .fla file, the published .swf file, the .html file that houses your .swf file, and if applicable, any dependent files that you may be using. See below for info on how to FTP with Dreamweaver or how to FTP with FileZilla. You can also view the Publishing and FTP Video Tutorials.

STEP 4 - TEST IT ON THE WEB: If you have uploaded everything correctly, you should be able to click on the links in the index of student work and see your work on the Web.


STEP 1 - DEFINE A SITE: Go to SITE > NEW SITE. You must define the local info (where your files are) and the server/remote info (where the server files are and how to login).

STEP 2 - ENTER SITE/LOCAL INFO: You will begin with the site local information. Define a "Site name" which can be anything you choose, such as "MAT 150." Then, define the "Local SiteFolder" or "Root Folder" by clicking on the folder button and browsing to where your published files are lcoated in your file system (the .fla, .swf, and .html files you want to upload).

STEP 3 - ENTER SERVER/REMOTE INFO: Click on the "Servers" tab or "remote info" at left to enter the SFTP information listed at the top of this page. Click on the plus (+) sign to add a server, and enter your STFP login infromation (and be sure to "connect using" SFTP).

STEP 4 - BRING UP THE FILES PANEL: The FILES panel may open automatically once you define a site, but if not choose WINDOW > FILES. Click on the "Expand to show local and remote sites" Expand button on the right side of the Files panel. This should expand the files panel so that you see your local files on the right hand side and the remote (server) files on the left hand side (which will be blank until we connect to the server).

STEP 5 - CONNECT TO THE SERVER and PUT YOUR FILES: Click on the "Connects to remote host" connect plug button to establish a connection to the server. You should see a listing of Exercise and Project folders appear in the remote site. To put your files to the server, you can now simply click on your files and drag and drop them into the appropriate project or excercise folder.

Video Tutorials: FTP with Dreamweaver CC

If you have an older version of Dreamwever, you can review:
FTP with Dreamweaver CS5 | FTP with Dreamweaver CS4


You can download the free FileZilla FTP client here: Note: Choose to "Show Additional Download Offers" to choose to download the software without additional software bundles. Or, view the video on Aquiring and Installing FileZilla to ensure you get a clean installation.

STEP 1 - DEFINE A SITE: Go to FILE > SITE MANAGER and click on the "New Site" button. Name the site which can be anything you choose, such as "MAT 150."

STEP 2 - ENTER FTP INFO: On the General Tab, enter "" as the Host. Choose "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol" as the Servertype. For the Logontype, choose "Normal". For the User, enter your SURF ID. For Password, enter your SURF password. Click on the Advanced Tab and under the Default local directory, click on the Browser button and browse to where your published files are (the .fla, .swf, and .html files you want to upload). For the Default Remote Directory, enter "/web/MAT150/studentwork".

STEP 3 - - CONNECT TO THE SERVER and PUT YOUR FILES: Click on the "Connect" button to establish a connection to the server. You should see a listing of Exercise and Project folders appear in the remote site (on the right). To put your files to the server, you can now simply click on your files and drag and drop them into the appropriate project or excercise folder on the server/remote site.

Video Tutorial: FTP with FileZilla

See also: Acquring and Installing FileZilla (to get a clean installation without additional software bundles or junk ware on your computer).



1. You can check your SURF ID and Password to make sure that they are correct by logging into SURF. If you can get into SURF with your ID and Password, then you should be able to use that same ID and password for the MAT server. If you cannot login to SURF or don't remember your password, you can Get Your Surf ID and Password here.

2. Make sure that all of your spelling and syntax is correct. Even an extra space at the end of a field can cause a problem when trying to connect to the server. Make sure you don't accidently hit space after entering information into any of the fields.

3. Make sure that your host name is: and not or something else.

4. Make sure that you are using Secure FTP (sFTP). This is accomplished by selecting to "Connect Using" SFTP in DW 5+ or using the check box in Dreamweaver CS4 for "Use Secure FTP (sFTP) or by choosing "SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol" as the Servertype in Filezilla.

5. You should be able to use the default port, but if this was changed, use Port 22.

6. Depending on the software and platfom I'm using, I've discovered some inconsistencies in the required value of the "Host Directory" or "Remote Directory". If you encounter this problem and cannot seem to login to the studentwork directory on the server site or you are getting an error such as "Default remote path cannot be parsed" or "Cannot open remote folder", try using one of three possible values for the host/remote directory as listed below.

  1. Leave the "Host/Directory" field blank (and then browse to the right directory once you are connected)
  2. web:/MAT150/studentwork/
  3. ../web/MAT150/studentwork/
  4. /web/MAT150/studentwork/

7. After several failed login attemps, it's possible that you could be locked out of the server. If all else has failed and you think this might be the case, contact the MiraCosta Help Desk for assistance.

8. Contact the instructor if your login problems persist. He may be able to help you troubleshoot if you provide the specifiic error messages you are receiving and/or provide screenshots of your login details in order to show your configuration.