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MAT 175 - Web Design - JavaScript + jQuery


Assignments and Exercises

Exercises/Applications (55 Points)

Exercise details are provided on the schedule page within the week that they are assigned.

Final Game or App Project (12 points) – Due 5/24

Create an HTML5/JavaScript game and/or interactive web application using content of your own choosing.

You may choose to create a new application, or extend upon and refine an application that you started in one of the class exercises.

Note that the the tutorials for Exercise #7 are designed to allow you to extend the exercise into more of a game for your final project. Thus, many students choose to extend Exercise #7 for the final, but you have the option to extend/refine a different exercise or work on something new.

Strive to create a pleasant user experience (UX) through thoughtful interaction design, a focus on usability, and by providing engaging interactivity and user feedback. Strive to create an attractive and easy to use interface (UI) through the use of graphic design, layout, style, imagery, typography, and/or animation.

Explore and demonstrate JavaScript programming techniques and logic such as the use of variables, functions, conditional statements, loops, arrays, objects, DOM and event scripting, jQuery methods, and/or other programming as appropriate to your concept.

Create a "final" folder within your "Lastname_Firstname" folder on the mat server. Upload your webpage(.html/.css), JavaScript(.js), and any other dependent files to this folder on the server. See FTP Information for details.

Once you've completed your final project, participate in the Final Project Review and Reflection Discussion in Canvas (to be posted during finals week).

Code Library (5 points)

As the class progresses, students are expected to generate multiple sample scripts and/or code snippets that demonstrate code fundamentals or programmatic techniques. These will be largely technical explorations based on assigned tutorials or reading. Students will upload/store these scripts and sample files in their own codeLibrary folder on the class server.

Within your Lastname_Firstname folder on the MAT server, create a new folder called "codeLibrary" and use this folder as a repository for code samples that you create in the class. Build your code library by following along with the video tutorials, interactive tutorials, and/or reading and creating your own code samples/examples. Your codeLibrary folder should contain .js and/or .html files that demonstrate code examples and/or sample syntax. This is where you'll put sample code that you've created that is not related to a specific exercise or project. For example, if watching and working alongside the videos (and/or doing the readings) on variables, you might have have some sample script with notes and/or example syntax that you saved as "variables.js" or "variables.html". Periodically upload such files into your codeLibrary on the MAT server. There are not specific requirements or due dates for exactly which files belong in the codeLibrary. It is your own personal library and you decide what to include. But, in general, your library should reflect that you are participating in the class and following along with the readings and/or tutorials. Build the library as a useful reference resource for yourself. Be sure to give descriptive, semantic file names to the code in the library (e.g. "example1.js" is not descriptive, but "ifElseConditionals.js" is descriptive).

Quizzes (10 points)

Quizzes will be given as we progress through the semester to assess your comprehension of the material provided in course lectures, videos, the textbook, and/or other materials. Quizzes will test knowledge of JavaScript and/or jQuery programming concepts. Advanced notice and instructions regarding quizzes will be given at least one week prior to quiz completion deadlines.

Code Academy Participation (8 points)

Participation is required in the Learn JavaScript interactive tutorials. Provide evidence of completion of these tutorials by submitting your Codecademy username to the instructor by email.

Class/Online Participation (10 points)

The instructor will assess your overall level of engagement and participation in online discussion forums, class assignments, online critiques, and/or other online activities as assigned.