Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Media, or is there Flash in your future?

When I was doing some research for our mini project, I found some very helpful tutorials on the Adobe site. And in fitting in with “New Media-Flash for the Future” I elected to share this site with you.

At the above posted link, Adobe has used Flash to create an instructional training tutorial for basic action script, as we are just now learning.

Open Flash, and work this tutorial for fun. It will help reinforce what Karl is lecturing about. And it just might help you with your mini project?

On the subject of how Flash will be used to improve the future, we should take a step into it’s history. Adobe has a page entitled, .

At this link you can take a flash-back to see just how far this powerful software has come.

10 Flash developers from around the world to tell us how Flash has made an impact on their personal and professional lives.

Answering 10 questions each, they relate how they learned what they know today about the technology, how they've used it in the past and how they use it today, which features they love most, how Flash has enhanced their creativity, what lessons Flash has taught them—and which tip they'd like to pass on to other developers—and, finally, what the future holds for Flash in the coming decade.

I found these interviews enlighteneing. And each developer had his/her own idea of the future of Flash.

As Flash runs on more and more devices and platforms, I believe it will become the standard for almost every application that requires interaction.


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Victor Sturm said...

Beautiful animations for Flash tenth anniversary. Thanks for sharing.


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