Monday, January 29, 2007

Blogging Goals

Goals for the course blog include encouraging student exploration and contemplation of issues related to contemporary interactive media arts and the studios and artists making it. Students will explore the Web to find, share, and discuss compelling and cutting-edge examples of interactive media design. Students will further investigate and discuss issues and practices related to interactive media including technology use; design principles and techniques; creative, developmental and business processes; and critical/theoretical analysis.

Given that all of the students in the class will be searching and exploring the Internet for design studios, artists, projects, resources, and other information that relate to interactive media design, a collaborative course blog will allow each student (and the instructor) to be exposed to more (and higher quality) projects and resources than each may have found on their own. Beyond being exposed to a wider variety of content (and points of view) students will contribute to the "collective intelligence" of the course and play a role in shaping course content and their own experience with the course.


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