MAT 150 - Student Learning Outcomes / Course Evaluation Form

I feel as if all of my courses are a work in progress and it is my desire to continue to improve the quality of my courses and the learning experience for students. Your anonymous feedback about this course helps me do just that and will inform the direction of the curriculum for future students. Your honest opinions are most appreciated.

This form is in two parts. The first part addresses the student learning outcomes (SLOs) for the course. SLOs represent the official broad learning objectives of this course as stated on the class syllabus. Your feedback regarding each SLO will be part of a larger course/SLO assessment process.

The second part is open for your general comments and feeback about the course.


SLO #1:
Conceptualize, design, and produce Flash animations for screen output or web delivery.
Please rate/grade how well or how poorly the course addressed the student learning outcome listed above and contributed to your learning of that outcome.

  A - Excellent
  B - Good
  C - Satisfactory
  D - Poor
  F - Very Poor or None
Comments? (optional):

SLO #2:
Design and develop rich user interfaces and/or experiences that integrate media, animation, and interactivity.
Please rate/grade how well or how poorly the course addressed the student learning outcome listed above and contributed to your learning of that outcome.

  A - Excellent
  B - Good
  C - Satisfactory
  D - Poor
  F - Very Poor or None
Comments? (optional):

SLO #3:
Examine, analyze, and evaluate interactive media products and processes.
Please rate/grade how well or how poorly the course addressed the student learning outcome listed above and contributed to your learning of that outcome.

  A - Excellent
  B - Good
  C - Satisfactory
  D - Poor
  F - Very Poor or None
Comments? (optional):


What would you keep? What aspects of the class did you like and/or think were effective or useful?

What would you change? How can this class be improved to better serve future students and improve their learning experience?