Fruit Sets

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Fruit Sets is a mobile app available for iOS and Android and downloadable via the App Store, Google Play, or the Amazon Appstore.

Fruit Sets challenges your cognitive and visual perceptual processing skills through a fun puzzle and matching game for one or two players. It's easy to learn, but challenging to master, and appropriate for both kids and adults.

Activities involving pattern recognition, matching, and classification help foster cognitive skills. Fruit Sets also encourages visual perceptual processing skills such as form constancy (the ability to identify and categorize forms, even if they differ in some ways), visual discrimination (the ability to perceive the differences and similarities in forms), visual memory (the ability to remember what you see), and figure/ground relationships (the ability to distinguish a form from its background). But, mostly, Fruit Sets is just fun.

Here's some screen shots. Click to enlarge.


Get it for iPhone and iPad on the App Store

Get it for Android phones and tablets on Google Play

Get it for Fire phones and tablets on the Amazon Appstore

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